There are extraordinary changes happening to businesses that we can’t ignore any longer. As such, this month's Breakfast Session delivered by Jo Stone, CX & Moments that matter, was a timely presentation.
The session focused on:
How we got here and who put them in charge?
A turned tide for shrewd business: How the Outside In approach drives loyalty, advocacy and share of wallet
Bringing to life the four actionable steps to becoming Outside In
This event was for senior executives and for all service-based business who need to understand the rapid changes happening around them right now. Activating memorable customer experiences from the core level of your business is how we adapt to the new, customer-centric landscape.
Make no mistake, the are rules changing.
So, companies like Uber and Netflix have really changed consumers' expectations. They're higher than they ever have been before and really, customers have now been in charge. They've taken down the taxi industry and they're the ones who will decide the winners in the future.
If you want to be successful and get ahead, you've got to help make sure you understand your customers and you're in a position to really win their hearts and minds, so you can succeed.
Everybody always talks to your Apples and your Netflixes and those type of companies. But they tend to have been almost what you say 'customer born'. There are many companies in Australia who are starting to make strides towards this.
So, there are companies who are starting to make baby-steps - not saying anyone's there yet.
Even you look at a lot of companies like IAG and Suncorp, who are in Fin Services, who have managed to restructure themselves. They're very traditional large companies, but they've built customer labs, they're building customer-centric teams and they're moving to new ways of working.
This is a this is very much a long journey it's not a destination yet. But they're making strides are making great progress.
Follow us on LinkedIn for more. See you at the next event!
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