FutureYou Recruitment What is the DNA of your organisation?

What is the DNA of your organisation?

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People move for culture and your people create culture. Being able to identify the evolving culture of your business is key in being able to attract the best talent.

When selecting a talent firm to engage in attracting and securing a key hire for your business you have to do more than just requesting a proposal.

The prospective talent partner is going to be representing your brand and should be engaged in the search because they understand what your culture is and are be able to bring it to life. We all know that engaged staff in a positive culture will enable you to achieve your business goals.

The talent partner should have a proven track record in providing new talent channels that you don’t know yourselves and I encourage you to ask for client references to validate their ability to do so.

How brave can you be around brainstorming with your selected talent partner on what is the current perception of your brand, culture and EVP? Asking for feedback, positives and negatives, will then enable you to agree on what attributes you need to attract in your new hires for you to continue to develop culture, which will, in turn, grow your business.

The FutureYou team would love you to reach out to us to arrange a session on EVP and talent attraction strategies.

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